Friday, January 13, 2012

Pinterest Project- Star Blanket

Hey Cats!

So, as you all know, next August I will be moving into a house with my 5 besties. I know it's kinda far away, but that gives me plenty of time to craft! My froomie Amy & I already have big plans for the place. We'll be covered in handmade items by the time we actually move in! Anyways, over Christmas break, I made an afghan for the house. We haven't decided on colors or anything yet, but it has pretty much every single color in it, so it should match whatever! If not, we can just hide it in a closet & take it out when we get cold! I found this pattern on Pinterest, so instead of giving you instructions, I'll just include the link! This blanket was perfect, because I was able to use lots of leftover yarn that I already had, so I only had to buy 4 skeins, which is pretty good for a blanket! Also, it says to change yarn every few rows, but I decided to just keep going until I ran out of yarn, or thought that I couldn't make it another round. It would also be cool to do the whole thing in the same variegated yarn, or even in one solid color. Use your imagination! Anyways, here is the link!
And here's what mine looks like!
Also, to finish it, I just did the round of slip stitches, I didn't do the thing with the tapestry needle....mainly because I didn't know how :). I hope you will try this & make it your own! It's one of the easier blankets I've made, & I like it because it's different!
On a different note, I will be leaving to go back to school tomorrow morning! I'm so excited to start my second semester, and to see all my friends! That being said, I probably won't be blogging as much anymore..mehhh. BUT! I have purchased the materials for my next DIY, and so I'll probably put that up soon! And I promise I will have plenty of crafts over the summer! I might post occasionally, but it might not be crafts....we shall see! Until next time!

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