Monday, July 25, 2011

DIY- Cute As A Button Frame

Hey Cats!
As you may or may not know, I will be going off to college in the fall (yay!), so I have been collecting things to decorate my dorm room and make it feel more like home. I picked up a long collage frame on one of my many trips to Target, but I was worried that it would be too much blue, since I already have lots of blue things (comforter, pillows, lamp, trash can, get the picture). My mom suggested that I paint a design on it to add some color, but I didn't really feel like painting, since all I can do is flowers and hearts. So, I decided to glue buttons onto it! It took maybe 30 minutes, and it was super easy! Except for when I burned myself. Anyways, here's what you do!
You will need:
-An inexpensive collage frame (mine was $12.99 from Target), or you could do a mirror or a regular-sized frame.
-Assorted buttons. I bought Grandma's Grab Bag from Hobby Lobby last year, and I'm still using it! You could also use rhinestones in place of buttons. (I used 2 in random spots)

- A hot glue gun

Here's what you do!
1) Decide where you would like the buttons on the frame. I placed mine and then moved them around to make sure I liked where they were. Do this first, because once they've been glued down, they won't be easy to get off!
2) Glue them on!
And you're done! A tip is to wait until the glue has cooled to clean off the little strings, because if it is still hot, it will just stretch out even more. I waited until I had them all glued on and then cleaned it off.
Here's how it turned out!

Since this was so easy a child could have done it, I guess it was more to show you what I made than to tell you how to do it yourself...but I wanted to share! I hope you try this, it's a great way to make anything a little more personal and unique! And also, I have an idea of what my next DIY is, and it's great! I'm so excited! Until next time!

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