Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Half-Moon Nails- An Experiment

Hey Cats!
Besides diy's, one of my other new hobbies is trying new trends on my nails. Now, I've never been very good at painting my nails, so I usually don't try things that seem complicated, but the other day I found some videos on Shine (Yahoo) that were very good and seemed easy enough, even for me! So, I gave the half-moon nails a try, because I've been seeing them in magazines and I love how they look! Instead of trying to teach you myself, I'll just direct you to the video that I used!

Since I tried this, I guess I should show you how it turned out. Please keep in mind that I'm not a manicurist for a very good reason :)
I used Ulta's Casual Mauve for the bottom layer, OPI's You Don't Know Jaques! for the top layer, and my sister's Orly top coat. (thanks Katie!)
In the video, she tells you to put the stickers on after you paint each nail, but I would suggest applying all the stickers before you paint the top color. Also, make sure that your nails are very dry before applying the stickers and the second color, and before you peel the stickers off, because I peeled a little of the mauve paint off one of my nails. If you notice a little of the adhesive has been left behind by the stickers, don't worry about it, the top coat will cover it up!

So, here's how it turned out! Not perfect, but it's still cute! I tried using a matte top coat instead of the regular, but I wasn't crazy about it so I used the shiny. But I might try it next time, and you should too!
Oh, I know I said I had another project to show you, but I'm having a few problems with it, so it might be a few days... and since I'm making two (one for my sister), I would like to finish them both to make sure the instructions are clear! But I can't wait to share it with you! Until next time!

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