Monday, July 18, 2011

So It Begins!

Hey Cats!

I've recently become obsessed with do-it-yourself blogs and websites, so I decided to make one of my own and share my creations with the outside world! Hopefully I'm crafty and creative enough to keep this up for quite a while! Now you must understand that I am by no means a professional, so my projects might look a little...less than perfect. BUT if you are a true do-it-yourself-er, you understand that a little added character is all part of the beauty. I hope that you will take my ideas and put your own twist on them to make them your own, but if you are more of a direction-follower, be my guest to create an exact replica! I also hope that my ideas will inspire you to be creative and come up with your own unique projects...and share them of course! Aside from crafts and diy projects, I hope to share, well, lots of things. Perhaps my fave recipes, occasionally my thoughts on Pretty Little Liars, or life lessons. OH! I almost forgot. I hope you don't mind the occasionally misplaced Spanish phrase, because Spanish is my favorite language. Yes, English is #2. I plan to become fluent. Anyways, before I go, I'll show you the DIY I'll be posting tomorrow! I know you can't wait!

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